Thursday, December 13, 2007

Howey Parade Dec 15th!

This Saturday Howey in the Hills will be having their Holiday Festival. This will have a Craft Show and Doggy Parade starting at 12:00 pm. The Cubscouts (that’s Garrett’s troop) will be the only food vendor tent with HotDogs, chips and drinks from 12-5.
The Parade itself will begin at 3:00pm sharp, so you will need to arrive in lineup sometime around 2:00pm. You can throw candy at this parade. And what makes this parade so special is that the route is along Lakeshore Drive. So it’s a beautiful parade route.
You can come and park your car early and walk down to the craft show, shop around and grab a hot dog from me – Ill be working at the cubscout tent! LOL

Our line up is #301 on East Laurel Avenue near the Mission Inn. (put that address in on Google Maps and it shows you right where to go)!

So decorate your cars, pray for no rain until after the parade, and see you there Saturday about 2:ish!