Sunday, September 16, 2007

Oliver Makes Food Drive Run

Oliver, the McCormack's temperamental AA stake bed stepped up to the plate Sunday to help out with a 'Fill the Truck' Food drive a Morrison Methodist Church in Leesburg. We were contacted by John Harrington, the pastor who conducted services for our John O'Shea and remembered how neat all the Model A's were. He asked if we could have a truck that his church could fill up. After showing him some pictures, he thought that Oliver would be a sufficient challenge.

Well fill up the truck they did, and off we went to the Leesburg Food Bank, and after all was tallied, we had 3,123 pounds of food, 123 pounds over Oliver's design weight limit. The old boy groaned and rattled and almost didn't have enough power to get up the street, but he made it. Oliver originally hauled grain out South Dakota during the Great Depression to feed those who hungered, and over 75 years later, answered the call once again.